Middle School News

Middle School News Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Middle School Photography Students Visit National Portrait Gallery

As part of our Middle School Above & Beyond program, Years 7 and 8 students studying Photography visited the National Portrait Gallery. They…

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Middle School News Monday, 13 May 2024

Year 6 Playground Excursion

Year 6 students studying Art and Design visited various playgrounds to analyse and compare their designs. They explored Ruth Park playground in…

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Middle School News Monday, 19 Feb 2024

Middle School Family Information Night

Our Middle School information night provided a chance for families to explore their child’s classroom and to connect with their teacher.Families and…

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Middle School News Tuesday, 13 Feb 2024

Year 6 Explore Mulligan's Flat

Our Year 6 students explored Mulligans Flat for their ‘Get to know you walk.’ They enjoyed a morning of team building and valuable discussion,…

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Middle School News Wednesday, 27 Sept 2023

Middle School Walkathon

Last week, our Middle School students participated in a Walkathon to raise money for The Australian Literacy & Numeracy Foundation. Students…

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Middle School News Wednesday, 22 Feb 2023

Middle School Information Night 2023

Our recent Middle School Information night was an opportunity for our current families to connect with their child’s teacher and to gain a deeper…

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Whole School News Wednesday, 13 Apr 2022

Middle School Excellence

The first day of holidays for students was a day of professional learning and celebration for our Middle School staff in our beautiful new Grevillea…

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Middle School News Wednesday, 24 Feb 2021

Breaking New Ground

Our Middle School students are accustomed to discovery and exploration as they move through this important stage of their education. On 18 February,…

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